Water Into Roblox Burger Simulator
ALL CODES IN BURGER SIMULATOR ROBLOXThanks for watching! Best place to get scripts.
- Subscribe to D4RK LIFE for more scripts like this anyway here the script: getgenv()['cofiG'] = getgenv()['cofiG'] or {}
- local alreadyRan = cofiG.gravityController ~= nil
- local http = game:GetService'HttpService'
- local readfile,writefile = readfile or syn_io_read,writefile or syn_io_write
- function fileexists(filename)
- return a
- local rawUrl,baseUrl = 'https://ixss.keybase.pub/rblx/gravityController/', 'https://keybase.pub/ixss/rblx/gravityController/'
- do
- local require = function(lol)
- lol = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msva/lua-htmlparser/master/src/'..lol:gsub('%.','/')..'.lua';
- end;
- lol = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msva/lua-htmlparser/master/src/'..lol:gsub('%.','/')..'.lua';
- end;
- cofiG.htmlparser = cofiG.htmlparser or require'htmlparser'
- if fileexists'gravityController.json' then
- if json then
- hasToUpdate = cofiG.gravityController.Version ~= game:HttpGet(rawUrl..'Version.txt')
- end
- print(hasToUpdate and 'Updating script...' or 'Running script!')
- game.StarterGui:SetCore('ChatMakeSystemMessage', {
- Text = hasToUpdate and 'Updating script...' or 'Running script!';
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 60, 60);
- })
- if hasToUpdate then -- update/download
- function getScripts()
- local text = game:HttpGet(baseUrl, false)
- local root = cofiG.htmlparser.parse(text)
- if string.sub(v.attributes.href, string.len(v.attributes.href)-3) '.lua' then
- local name = string.sub(v.attributes.href,string.len(baseUrl)+1, string.len(v.attributes.href)-4)
- ret[name] = game:HttpGet(script)
- elseif string.sub(v.attributes.href, string.len(v.attributes.href)-3) '.txt' then
- local name = string.sub(v.attributes.href,string.len(baseUrl)+1, string.len(v.attributes.href)-4)
- ret[name] = game:HttpGet(script)
- end
- return ret
- cofiG.gravityController = getScripts()
- writefile('gravityController.json', http:JSONEncode(cofiG.gravityController))
- end
- local a,b = pcall(loadstring(cofiG.gravityController.Loader))
- if not a then
- end
- if not alreadyRan then
- game.StarterGui:SetCore('ChatMakeSystemMessage', {
- Text = game:HttpGet('https://ixss.keybase.pub/Watermark.txt', true)..', originally made by EgoMoose.';
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(244, 0, 175);
- })
Citizen Burger Disorder is a fun online multiplayer QWOP-style game that puts you in the shoes of an employee at a burger joint.
The control scheme is purposely awkward, with WASD used to move, Q and E operating each arm independently and the left and right mouse buttons uses to grab items with the respective hands. With these controls building a burger can be a tricky task, usually resulting in the ingredients getting scattered across the floor (but the customers don’t need to know that).
Citizen Burger Disorder is still very early in development and full of bugs, particularly when playing online with others. However, despite it’s rough edges (and sometimes because of them) it’s a fun game that shows plenty of promise, especially when you’re being a bad employee – trashing the kitchen and serving customers food that you’ve picked up off the floor. You really wouldn’t want to eat any of the burgers that we make!
Update: Due to extremely high demand recently, there may be issues creating an account or connecting to the servers. This should just be temporary though, so please try again later if you’re having trouble. In the meantime, feel free to check out Tea Party Simulator for more chaotic QWOP food serving fun, or take your frustrations out in the equally chaotic Smoking Simulator.
Watch us make some very unsanitary burgers HERE
Roblox Burger Simulator
Want a heads-up when this reaches Steam? Follow our Steam Curator page HERE
Water Into Roblox Burger Simulator Download
To play Citizen Burger Disorder register HERE then Play in a Unity Supported Browser HERE